It's a new dawn in the age of mankind...a time when Celts and Vikings roamed the Earth...a time for only the BRAVEN OFF-ROAD! No more whimpy tires that can't hold their own...no more whining on the battlefield because you doen' hev the traction...no more sissies wanting to look pretty but na knowin' how to drive.
It's time for IRONSIDE!
Yes, there are hundreds of R/C tires to choose from. Yes, a lot of them have swell names and promise you the world. Only a Viking/Scotsman can deliver you the world and look good doing it while wearing a Kilt (nah a skirt ye daft jackwagon).
We chose the name IRONSIDE for a reason...and you can see from the pictures why. If we have to explain it to you, then ye have a wee brain and should be sacrificed for being the weakest link.
Freedom! Let Freedom Swing! (UtiliKilt joke). That's what Braven Off-Road is all about. We have brought you THE toughest, best damn looking UTV Radial tires on the market for use on everything and anything you want.
For those of you who have retired from the battlefield and need something that will tool you around on any terrain, the Ironsides provide MAD TRACTION!
Siping - you always need the extra traction doen' ye?
Staggered Tread Lugs - increase traction and help wick away the muck.
Staggered Shoulder lugs - increases your ability to attack!
Smooth Riding
So buy the damn things a'ready!
Officially Licensed BRAVEN OFF-ROAD IRONSIDETM SCALE R/C 1.9 Tires // ALIENTM KOMPOUND w/Foam // (2) Two Tires & (2) Standard Foams per packet with Decals
The IRONSIDE1.9′s are miniaturized versions of the Innovative Braven Off-Road Ironside 1:1 tires that have been demonstrating their #MADTRACTION everywhere they show up to conquer territory!
Our multi-varied tread design increases forward/reverse and lateral traction with serious biting across the footprint.
These IRONSIDES have many features designed to increase speed and control while enhancing stability and contact patch.
Excellent lateral bite--incredible stickiness and exceptional traction.
2 Tires + 2 Standard Foam per packet.
Braven Ironside 1.9
UPC# 602573076934
ALIEN KompoundTM - STICKIER THAN ALIEN SNOT!!! They seem to get better and better as they break in... and you can use them for your daily hobby time as well as competition... RIGHT OUTTA DA BOX!!!!
Multi-varied tread blocks - create an alternating biting pattern for maximum traction, especially in off-camber situations
Inside ribbing - provides sidewall support and stability
Stone Kickers - oh yeah!
Over-the-shoulder lugs - that wrap down the sidewall and add extra strength & traction to the shoulder & sidewall areas
4.19-inch UNMounted Diameter* - 4.19x1.35-1.9. *Dimensions may vary depending on mounted rim width used.
Tires come 2 to a packet w/decals - yes, we include a cool decal sheet
Foam included - OH YEAH!
Made in Taiwan - yes we went overseas for production of these RC tires. Taiwan is a hybrid democracy, so we don't feel too bad about it.
"IRONSIDETM R/C tires- Inspired by the Innovative 1:1 IRONSIDE® design."
Technical Specs:
4.19X1.35-1.9 Un-Mounted*
Weight is approximately 3.25 ounces per tire (with foam)
Foam Dimensions - 115x47.6x48mm
*Dimensions may vary depending on mounted rim width used.